龍族物語™ 维基

Island Dragon

島龍 形態[ | ]

寶寶形態 少年形態
Island Baby Island Juvenile
島龍喜歡在沙灘上曬太陽,如果太熱,就懶洋洋地到浪花裡打個盹。[名字]的後背偽裝成了島嶼,不過小到連鳥都不能在上面棲息。 島龍最愛淺淺地在海面下休息,讓鳥雀在它的背上啁啾。它們熱衷於社交,但很嗜睡。別在它們背上衝浪喔!
成年形態 史詩形態
Island Adult Island Epic
[名字]怪石嶙峋的背脊剛好適合海鳥駐足,不過當島龍騰空的時候總會把海鳥嚇一跳。大多數島龍會事先吹泡泡示警。 Legend holds that every island in the world is actually an ancient Epic Form Island Dragon, hibernating for millennia until they get hungry enough to stir.

稀有度: 尋常
種類: 藍龍 綠龍
棲息地: 碧藍瀉湖, 碧林
等限: 等級 7
購買價: 200 金條
售出價: 100 錢
繁殖孵化時間: 20 小時
經驗值: 255 Exp20px

等級賺取率 錢[ | ]

Iconisland1 Iconisland2 Iconisland3 Iconisland4
Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10
115 136 156 220 251 278 361 395 424 517

取得方式[ | ]

The 島龍 is obtainable:

  • Commonly by breeding dragons with Green and Blue colors.
    • DISCLAIMER: Breeding a combination of Green and Blue color dragons can also result in a Serpent, Atlantis or Mermaid Dragon.
  • By purchase at the market for 200 Gold20px.

雜記[ | ]

  • The Planet, Clown, Tusker, Fuzzy and Bubble Dragons' designs are based upon the 島龍's, although there are differences between them.