龍族物語™ 维基

星球龍 形態[ | ]

寶寶形態 少年形態
Planet Baby Planet Juvenile
星球龍就像同名天體一樣喜歡圍著附近質量最大的物體按軌道繞行。體型偏胖的守龍人不勝其煩,於是在它的棲息地放下一塊龐然巨石作為解決之道。 就像星球熔岩核心之上漂浮的板塊,隨著星球龍日漸成熟,它們尾部的褐色會越發凝聚,形成一個巨大的斑點。
成年形態 史詩形態
Planet Adult Planet Epic
關於星球龍,一位上古龍族學者這樣寫道:吃不好,隨處倒。吃得飽,凌空蹈。且聽星球龍怒號。它知曉陸地熟悉大海,一點食物就把它收買。 While not known for their flight abilities, it is written that ancient Epic Form Planet Dragons left this planet for space, and as they feasted on solar energy and interstellar dust, grew to become planets orbiting around distant stars.

稀有度: 超級罕見
種類: 紅龍 紫龍
棲息地: 赤岩灘, 紫荊園
等限: 等級 10
購買價: 990 金條
售出價: 100 錢
繁殖孵化時間: 19 小時
經驗值: 975 Exp20px

等級賺取率 錢[ | ]

Iconplanet1 Iconplanet2 Iconplanet3 Iconplanet4
Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10
190 304 399 570 741 912 1,083 1,225 1,368 1,520

取得方式[ | ]

The 星球龍 is obtainable:

  • Very rarely by breeding dragons with Red and Purple colors.
    • DISCLAIMER: Breeding a combination of Red and Purple color dragons can also result in a Cupid, Charm or Titan Dragon.
  • By purchase at the market for 990 Gold20px.

雜記[ | ]

  • The 星球龍's design is based upon the Island Dragon's, although their coloring is different.
  • The 星球龍's egg pattern is similar to the planet Jupiter's pattern.