龍族物語™ 维基

鐳射龍 形態[ | ]

寶寶形態 少年形態
Laserlight Baby Laserlight Juvenile
鐳射龍有輻射的心為它們的鐳射光翅膀提供能量。你可能會擔心這會帶來公共危害,沒錯,不過幸好它們的身體是由輻射阻尼的鉛構成的。身體閃閃發光的鐳射龍寶寶可能會在電影院裡影響到別人,不過它們最愛出風頭了。 隨著鐳射龍的成長,它們開始培養鐳射興趣愛好。比如寶石切割。它們穩健的爪子和無與倫比的精準,使它們能鑿出人類見過最完美的寶石。它們最愛的當然是紅寶石。
成年形態 史詩形態
Laserlight Adult Laserlight Epic
鐳射龍是現代電子音樂的忠實傭躉。雖然它們不能去看現場表演,不過在育龍區裡一旦有機會,它們就會踴躍利用它們的鐳射翅膀來提供驚人的視覺成像。 Epic Form Laserlight Dragons have developed a masterful control over their radioactive hearts. With careful precision they’re able to emit small amounts of radioactive energy to provide safe, clean electricity to those in need.

稀有度: 罕見
種類: 白龍 紅龍
棲息地: 白色牧場, 赤岩灘
等限: Level 17
購買價: 1,000 金條
售出價: 100 錢
繁殖孵化時間: 15 小時
經驗值: 1,875 Exp20px

等級賺取率 錢[ | ]

Iconlaserlight1 Iconlaserlight2 Iconlaserlight3 Iconlaserlight4
Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5 Lv. 6 Lv. 7 Lv. 8 Lv. 9 Lv. 10
300 357 407 576 657 726 941 1,032 1,107 1,350

取得方式[ | ]

The 鐳射龍 is obtainable:

  • Since the beginning of New Dawn.
  • Rarely by breeding dragons with White and Red colors.
    • DISCLAIMER: Breeding a combination of White and Red color dragons can also result in a Love or Tusker Dragon.
  • By purchase at the market for 1,000 Gold20px.

雜記[ | ]

  • The 鐳射龍's design is based upon the Familiar Dragon's, although there are differences between the two.